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Pools & Wet Areas

Specialist knowledge is required to meet all current demands on bathes and wellness areas and extreme applications like swimming pools with permanent water pressure from inside. That has an impact on the technical design, of course also on the professional sealing and installation of ceramics and natural stone coverings, and requires important planning: standards and guidelines, moisture exposure class, pool construction, initial start-up, and cleaning, etc. Ceresit supports the planning and execution with a comprehensive range of user-friendly products and detailed system brochures - solutions that provide the highest possible security for building owners, planners, and installers.

Step By Step

Step 1: Surface Preparation

Ceresit Waterproofing Systems, Indoor pool

Before starting with tiling installation in swimming pools, a chemical water analysis to determine the type of water to be used in the pool (thermal, brine, or seawater) is needed in order to make the right choice of building materials.

The position and dimension of the various expansion and construction joints must be decided and unavoidable joints must be sealed by embedding. It is important to ensure the waterproofing measures are based on the predefined moisture exposure classes. Before taking further steps, check that the screed and substrate are sufficiently dry.

All diamentions must be calculated taking into account thickness of each layer- to have required distances at the end, which is cruicial for sport swiming pools. Lamps, drainages, fastening elements must be take into consideration to be integrated into watrproofing layer, at early substarte preparation stage. Works must be done at favourable and dependable climatic conditions- preferable temp. Above +15⁰C and air moisture content below 65%. Surface must be levelled, even, with open pores and matt-wet, prior waterproofing membrane application CR 166. All subsequent working steps as well as maturing times must be obbey.

Step 2: Waterproofing With Cr 166

Ceresit Tiling Systems LP, Swimming and Wellness, Waterproofing, size 1280x960

When waterproofing swimming pools, it is crucial to comply with the regulations for swimming pool construction. The products to be used require confirmation of suitability and certification as a system provided through a national test certificate issued by the building authorities. Alternatively, a European Technical Approval (ETA) can provide confirmation of suitability. Ceresit offers certified systems of liquid-applied water-impermeable products for use under ceramic tiles bonded with adhesives - proven success for waterproofing concrete pools.

Always minimum two layers must be applied. Required thickness of min. 2 mm must be done for both layers to ensure required waterproofing parameters. Best is to apply material. With notched trowel that helps to achieved layer thickness after smoothing. Also average thickness could be calculated by consumption per square meter for project. During final inspection piece of dried layers is cut out and thickness measured. Cuted out plase is rework. In corners and joints special tapes CL 152 are installed in fresh first layer. From CL 69 membrane could be cut collars for draineges to be implemented into first layer of WP as well. Better is to do waterproofing on walls first, then on base plate to avoid extra mechanical exposition of membrane before tiles fixing. For best WP performance it is reccommended to mix 2 component material with stricly given ratio. Before tile fixing final inspection of membrane is needed, while any single discontinuity will lead to leakage. For small mosaics eveness and smothness of WP is cruicial.

Step 3: Tiling

Ceresit Waterproofing Systems, Pool render

In swimming pool construction, much depends on the proper choice of materials. This applies particularly to the waterproofing systems and the products for tile installation, which need a general appraisal certificate by the national building authorities or ETA. Ceresit guarantees safe and high-quality certified system solutions that can meet the full range of requirements – for the pool itself, the wet rooms, and the dry areas.

Step 4: Grouting

Ceresit Tiling Systems LP, Swimming and Wellness, Grouting, size 1280x960

After mixing, the grout can be applied directly from the mixing container with a trowel. The grout is spread with a hard rubber float if used on walls and floors. Use the float to press the grout into the joints until filled void-free and flush with the tile surface. After that, excess grout is removed from the tile surface by using the edge of the float held at a 90° angle. Stroke diagonally to remove as much grout as possible from the surface without pulling grout out the filled joints.

In order to obtain a uniform, aesthetic appearance and allow easy cleaning, the joints should be left to “mature” (or firm up) after grouting.

Recommended Products For The System

  • ${/content/heliux/adhesive/ceresit/uk/en/products/tiling/tiling-grouts/flex-grouts/product#/ceresit-ce-40/SAP_0201SGC013M9/searchResult.productFields.MainImageAltText}
    Water-resistant, flexible, grout mortar for porcelain, ceramic, glass, natural stones and marble tiles from 1 up to 8 mm width. 
  • ${/content/heliux/adhesive/ceresit/uk/en/products/tiling/tiling-others/epoxy-grouts/product#/ceresit-ce-79/SAP_0201SQC013N9/searchResult.productFields.MainImageAltText}
    Two-component chemical-resistant epoxy mortar for installation and grouting of tiles and mosaics with joint width 1 to 15 mm. Ideal for industry, public places and heavy traffic. 
  • ${/content/heliux/adhesive/ceresit/uk/en/products/tiling/tiling-waterproofing/sealing-tapes/product#/ceresit-cl-152/SAP_0201SMC013Q6/searchResult.productFields.MainImageAltText}
    CERESIT CL 152
    Sealing tape for the waterproof bridging of expansion and connection joints up to 120 mm width, suitable for indoor and outdoor application. 
  • ${/content/heliux/adhesive/ceresit/uk/en/products/tiling/tiling-adhesives/flex-adhesives/product#/ceresit-cm-17/SAP_0201SBC013W2/searchResult.productFields.MainImageAltText}
    Premium, flexible tile adhesive with high adhesive strength for all kind of tiles on difficult substrates and for large tiles. 
  • ${/content/heliux/adhesive/ceresit/uk/en/products/waterproofing/cement-slurries/cement-slurries-flexible/product#/ceresit-cr-166/SAP_0201WJC014B9/searchResult.productFields.MainImageAltText}
    CERESIT CR 166
    2-component flexible slurry, strengthened with fibres and designed for waterproofing and damp-proofing on deformable and non-deformable mineral substrates. 

