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Basement & Foundations

Cementitious rigid and flexible slurry systems

Water Load Type 1 And 2

Waterproofing slurries by Ceresit have such a fine particle structure that they can be applied by brush or trowel. The great advantage of waterproofing slurries is that they can be used on damp surfaces. Moreover, they harden more quickly and are permeable to water vapor.


  • Waterproof
  • Frost resistant
  • Increasing surface protection
  • Covers surface cracks (flexible slurry)
  • Compatible with sealing tape
  • Can be applied by brush, trowel or sprayed
  • Protects reinforced & standard concrete structures


Surface Preparation

Waterproofing Systems, Basement & Foundations, Surface preparation in cementitious rigid and flexible slurry systems,

The mineral substrate must be even, solid, load-bearing, clean, crack-free and free of substances that may impair adhesion. The surface must have a rough, open pored structure with good grip. All edges must be cut off or chamfered. Cove all corners with a hollow moulding of at least 4 cm radius.

Repair any defects, screed over rock pockets and fill mortar joints. Enlarge the cracks and fill them with cement mortar alternatively. If the brickwork is uneven with numerous projections and defects, produce a levelling render made of cement mortar. Make sure to thoroughly prewet the prepared substrate. When waterproofing from negative side, the substrate must have sufficient mechanical strength.


Waterproofing Systems, Basement & Foundations, Mineral Based Systems

Apply the slurry with a brush (if manually applied, first layer must be always applied with a brush) or a trowel in at least two operations. Sealed surface should be protected against too fast drying and the direct exposure to the sun. Apply the second layer only when only when the previous layer is hardened but still damp. If the application of the second layer is also done with a brush – it should be done in a crosswise manner.

Bridging Movement Joints And Separation Joints Between Buildings With A Sealing Tape

Wateproofing Systems, sealing tape

Fix the CL 152 tape across the expansion joint or the wall/ floor junction. Embed the CL 152 tape with the waterproofing material up to the marking line. Make sure that the expansion zone in the middle remains free. When expecting joint movements above 5 mm, the bridging tape must be laid with enough slack. The surfaces to be welded must be free of substances that may impair adhesion; in particular they must be clean and dry.

Damp-proof Course (Horizontal Barrier) – Flexible, Cementitious Coating For The Crack-bridging Waterproofing Of Buildings And Structural Components

Waterproofing Systems, Basement & Foundations, Horizontal barrier in cementitious rigid and flexible slurry systems,

The horizontal waterproofing layer is always applied before the vertical wall and floor insulation. It protects the building and its components against the capillary rise of moisture.

Apply the slurry with a brush or a trowel in at least two operations. Sealed surface should be protected against too fast drying and the direct exposure to the sun. Apply the second layer only when only when the previous layer is hardened but still damp. If the application of the second layer is also done with a brush – it should be done in a crosswise manner.

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